MHRRA – Language Practicum

Go To Person Practicum

The Mi’kmaw Heritage Research & Restoration Association is seeking two (2) people from our community who have participated in an MHRRA Mi’kmaw Language Culture Camp to engage in a private Facebook practicum. It involves listening to nine (9) lessons (see dates below).

After listening to a lesson taught by Curtis Michael, the participant is required to upload their response to the lesson within ten (10) days. Upon completion of the nine lessons, a participant will receive a certificate that recognizes them as a Go To Person for help with the foundational components of the Mi’kmaw language and casual daily expression.

As space is limited, please contact Chief Charlie White (643-4423) to express your interest. Details will be provided to the selected individuals.

Note: as this is facilitated through Facebook, those who do not use that network will not qualify to participate in this practicum.

1SEPT 30
2OCT 9
3OCT 19
4OCT 29
5NOV 7
6NOV 17
7NOV 29
8DEC 6
9DEC 16

Language Camp now open to the public!

Indian Head First Nation (IHFN) and the Mi’kmaw Heritage Research & Restoration Association (MHRRA) are hosting a free Mi’kmaw Language Camp, to be held at the People of the Dawn Indigenous Friendship Centre in St. George’s from August 1st to 5th. With instruction provided by Dr. Bernie Francis, Curtis Michael, April Maloney and Simon Francis, this is a great opportunity to learn the basics of Mi’kmaw. Local language apprentices Marcella Williams and Shane Snook will also be assisting.

Classes are now open to the public, whether they are status or non-status, but space is limited. Please contact Chief Charlie White (709-643-4423) to sign up, which will be done on a first come, first served basis. Details may be found on the attached poster, which you can also download and print to share. Some snacks and meals will be provided, with graduation to occur at the end of the day on Monday, August 5th.

Want to learn Mi’kmaw?

IHFN is proud to offer its members the opportunity to take part in a Mi’kmaw Language Camp! Facilitated by the Mi’kmaw Heritage Research and Restoration Association, this free series will provide 40 members with a basic introduction to the Mi’kmaw language.

For more details, check out the event listing on our community calendar! This event runs from August 1–5, 2019 and registration is open, so contact Chief Charlie White soon if you are interested! (See the calendar for contact details.)

UPDATED JULY 18! Details have changed, so be sure to check out the above link to our calendar for the latest info!

Reminder: Voices of our Ancestors 3

The annual Aboriginal Showcase is just about upon us. This even, organized and run by the Bay St. George Mi’kmaq Cultural Revival Committee, features local indigenous artists, musicians, craft makers and more! And this year it’s grown!

On Saturday, May 4, it’s a variety show on the main stage of the Arts & Culture centre, with doors opening at 7pm. Along with performers, there will also be vendors selling local art and craft!

On Sunday, May 5 at 3pm, there will be a screening of The Country, a documentary about the Mi’kmaq of western Newfoundland. This film, which originally aired in 2018 on the CBC Documentary channel, features a number of Mi’kmaq from and living in Bay St. George.

Come out and help support local artists and craftmakers, and enjoy the shows! You can purchase tickets from the Stephenville Arts & Culture website.

New Chief & Council Elected by Acclimation

At this evening’s monthly membership meeting, the main order of business was the nomination of seven individuals for various positions on our band council. While attendance was not abundant, current Chief Hayward Young prompted those who showed to put forth names for each position.

Many of our membership have busy lives, and for some, this is a big commitment to take on. Yet despite some hesitations, almost everyone nominated agreed to run for election. However, with just one person each running for Chief, Vice Chief, Treasurer and Secretary, and with three up for Councillor at Large, we had just enough interested parties.

Without further ado, here are the council elect, who will assume their duties starting in May of 2019 and work for the next three years to grow and support our community.

From left to right: Abbey Downey (Councillor at Large), Susan White (Treasurer), Randy Skinner (Councillor at Large), Michelle Pike Cormier (Secretary), Don Cormier (Vice Chief), Charlie White (Chief) and Patsy Head (Councillor).

Congratulations to all, and we look forward to hearing from our new council in the coming months!

2019 Election Announced!

Chief Hayward Young announces the 2019 IHFN council election, to be held late-April.

At the February monthly membership meeting, a number of announcements were made by Chief Hayward. While Council Member Charlie White took the minutes in lieu of Secretary Jarrett, who could not be in attendance, a small crowd of members listened attentively. First discussed were the on-going issues related to the Qalipu enrolment process, and more specifically, the recent letters regarding self-identification.

Council Member Charlie White recorded the minutes for this meeting.

Following this, a number of handouts were provided, including some information regarding IHFN’s involvement with the recently-announced Seven Shores Nation Network initiative. Additionally, information regarding possible staff for IHFN was discussed.

The third and final major topic was the announcement of this year’s elections for the Band Council. Anyone wishing to nominate a member for a council position must do so at the next meeting, which will be held on Thursday, March 21st, 2019. At this meeting, the final dates and voting locations will be announced, likely occuring over two days with one location in Stephenville and another in Stephenville Crossing.

Please share this information with any other members and encourage all who may be interested in running for council to attend the next meeting. Come Out. Be Heard. Take Part.

Update: The above was edited to include the correct date for the next meeting, which is March 21st, not March 28th as originally written.
