At the February monthly membership meeting, a number of announcements were made by Chief Hayward. While Council Member Charlie White took the minutes in lieu of Secretary Jarrett, who could not be in attendance, a small crowd of members listened attentively. First discussed were the on-going issues related to the Qalipu enrolment process, and more specifically, the recent letters regarding self-identification.
Following this, a number of handouts were provided, including some information regarding IHFN’s involvement with the recently-announced Seven Shores Nation Network initiative. Additionally, information regarding possible staff for IHFN was discussed.
The third and final major topic was the announcement of this year’s elections for the Band Council. Anyone wishing to nominate a member for a council position must do so at the next meeting, which will be held on Thursday, March 21st, 2019. At this meeting, the final dates and voting locations will be announced, likely occuring over two days with one location in Stephenville and another in Stephenville Crossing.
Please share this information with any other members and encourage all who may be interested in running for council to attend the next meeting. Come Out. Be Heard. Take Part.
Update: The above was edited to include the correct date for the next meeting, which is March 21st, not March 28th as originally written.
Quick reminder! Tonight’s membership meeting will go ahead as scheduled. 7:00PM in the lecture theatre at the DSB Fowlow Building, College of the North Atlantic, in Stephenville.
Chief Hayward Young welcomed a small but interested crowd to the June meeting for IHFN. After Vice-Chief Tianna Butler and Secretary Jarrett Brumsey reviewed the minutes from previous meetings, Chief Hayward discussed a variety of topics including the court cases that may affect Qalipu First Nation applicants and members, the present status of the band’s incorporation and the state of the band’s office at the Boyd & Bungay building.
Then he introduced Shane Snook, who has been hired under a JCP, which was made possible by the efforts of Chief Liz from No’kmaq Village. Shane will focus his time on building the membership of IHFN over the next year and in applying for program and project grants. Once a phoneline has been installed at the office, that contact information will be made available on this site, but for the present, you can send emails to
Additionally, Treasurer Gwen Lomond provided the present status of the band’s finances, after which the floor was opened for discussion. Soon, the final meeting before the summer break was concluded, with a mention of our next meeting, which will be on Thursday, September 27 at 7:00pm in the lecture theatre of the College of the North Atlantic.
Please spread the word about our final meeting before we break for summer. This meeting will allow you to meet our new office admin, and hear updates on the new office itself!
Also on the agenda will be laying out plans for the fall. There’s lots to do, so come out, be heard and take part!
Finally, the 50/50 draw from the last meeting has been carried over, so this next meeting may have a BIG prize.
On May 31st, band members met with Chief Hayward and members of council to discuss recent news and to review minutes from previous monthly meetings. This included the reading of a letter from former Chief Gerard Alexander, as well as the revelation that our band will soon have an office located in the Boyd & Bungay building at 139 Carolina Ave, Stephenville.
Chief Hayward also reminded attendees that the next monthly meeting will by the last until later in the summer. This meeting will occur on Thursday, June 28 at 7:00pm and will be held in the lecture theatre at the DSB Fowlow Building, College of the North Atlantic. IHFN members are asked to pass along this information to all interested parties.