June Meeting Summary

Chief Hayward Young welcomed a small but interested crowd to the June meeting for IHFN.  After Vice-Chief Tianna Butler and Secretary Jarrett Brumsey reviewed the minutes from previous meetings, Chief Hayward discussed a variety of topics including the court cases that may affect Qalipu First Nation applicants and members, the present status of the band’s incorporation and the state of the band’s office at the Boyd & Bungay building.

Then he introduced Shane Snook, who has been hired under a JCP, which was made possible by the efforts of Chief Liz from No’kmaq Village. Shane will focus his time on building the membership of IHFN over the next year and in applying for program and project grants. Once a phoneline has been installed at the office, that contact information will be made available on this site, but for the present, you can send emails to IndianHeadFNgmail.com.

Additionally, Treasurer Gwen Lomond provided the present status of the band’s finances, after which the floor was opened for discussion. Soon, the final meeting before the summer break was concluded, with a mention of our next meeting, which will be on Thursday, September 27 at 7:00pm in the lecture theatre of the College of the North Atlantic.

Film premier: The Country on CBC Documentary Channel

At 10:30PM on Sunday, June 24th, catch the premier of The Country on the CBC Documentary Channel. On Bell it’s channel 346, with the HD version being 517. On Eastlink, it’s 121 or for HD it’s channel 793. There will also be repeat airings later the same night, and again at 1:00PM on July 1.

You can download the press release here (PDF), or simply read the following synopsis:

One extraordinary man and a handful of compelling Newfoundland Mi’kmaq, champion an inspiring story of recognition and a remarkable community of people reviving their nation.  The backdrop is a Federal Enrolment program aiming to grant status, under the Indian Act, after 50 years of denying their existence. With 103,000 people caught in the process, the fate of thousands across Canada is at stake.  With the twists and turns of a Shakespearean play, The Country is a complex film of a forgotten but resilient people,  in search of their own truth, legitimacy and reconciliation.

This film features a number of people you may know, and is well worth you time watching. Stay tuned for further news on how you may be able to see this movie.

You can also check out details on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheCountryFilm

Creation Workshop for Youth

Paul Pike, from the Friendship Centre, shared this info:

Register early for this great opportunity with the National Arts Centre. At the conclusion of the weekend, participants finished work will be showcased on the federal website for everyone to see and appreciate. Location for this workshop will be 329 Main St., St. George’s. Poster is attached. There are no fees.

Please share this info with any youth you think might be interested.

Reminder: Meeting on June 28th @ 7PM

Please spread the word about our final meeting before we break for summer. This meeting will allow you to meet our new office admin, and hear updates on the new office itself!

Also on the agenda will be laying out plans for the fall. There’s lots to do, so come out, be heard and take part!

Finally, the 50/50 draw from the last meeting has been carried over, so this next meeting may have a BIG prize.

Monthly Meeting – May 31st, 2018

On May 31st, band members met with Chief Hayward and members of council to discuss recent news and to review minutes from previous monthly meetings. This included the reading of a letter from former Chief Gerard Alexander, as well as the revelation that our band will soon have an office located in the Boyd & Bungay building at 139 Carolina Ave, Stephenville.

Chief Hayward reading a letter


Chief Hayward also reminded attendees that the next monthly meeting will by the last until later in the summer. This meeting will occur on Thursday, June 28 at 7:00pm and will be held in the lecture theatre at the DSB Fowlow Building, College of the North Atlantic. IHFN members are asked to pass along this information to all interested parties.

Mi’kmaq Books on Display at Kindale Library

Mi'kmaq Books at Kindale Library
A selection of books by and about Mi’kmaq are on display at Kindale Library in anticipation of Aboriginal Day, June 21st.

Kindale Library in Stephenville presently has a display of books related to Mi’kmaq people and our culture. There are books for all ages, and include stories written in the Mi’kmaw language—a perfect opportunity to learn more about where we come from, and to regain some of the knowledge we have lost. This display has been put together in anticipation of Aboriginal Day, which is on June 21st. Check them out!

If you’d like to purchase any of these books, you can find many of them online at sites like Amazon and Indigo. Alternatively, check out the selection on the website of author Dorothy Stewart. She provides links to where you can purchase books, and a portion of each sale will go to her. Some books may even be freely available for downloading Finally, you can also check out Nimbus Publishing, which has a section on Mi’kmaq books.
